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“Life without art, music, POETRY, or humor is just one big black hole”

Mark Twain
To Jenny Good-bye! a kind good-bye, I bid you now, my friend, And though ’tis sad to speak the word, To destiny I bend And though it be...

Dorothy Parker
The Choice .. He'd have given me rolling lands, House of marble, and billowing farms, Pearls, to trickle between my hands, Smoldering...

William Shakespeare
Sonnet 129 ...Th' expense of spirit in a waste of shame Is lust in action, and till action, lust Is perjured, murd'rous, bloody full of...

Francesco Petrarcha
Sonnet 132 ...If it’s not love, then what is it I feel? But if it’s love, by God, what is this thing? If good, why then the bitter mortal...

Gwendolyn Brooks
We Real Cool The Pool Players Seven at the Golden Shovel We real cool. We Left school. We Lurk late. We Strike straight. We Sing sin....
John Haines's "To Turn Back"
The grass people bow their heads before the wind. How would it be to stand among them, bending our heads like that ... ? Yes ... and no...

Edwin Arlington Robinson's "Richard Cory"
Whenever Richard Cory went down town, We people on the pavement looked at him: He was a gentleman from sole to crown, Clean favored, and...
Mitsuye Yamada's "Looking Out"
... It must be odd to be a minority he was saying. I looked around and didn't see any. So I said Yeah

Christina Rossetti
Remember Remember me when I am gone away, Gone far away into the silent land; When you can no more hold me by the hand, Nor I half turn...
The Poetry of Langston Hughes
Langston Hughes's Homecoming ... I went back in the alley And I opened up my door. All her clothes was gone: She wasn't home no more. .....
Margaret Atwood's "Siren Song"
This is the one song everyone would like to learn: the song that is irresistible the song that forces men to leap overboard in squadrons...

Shel Silverstein
Forgotten Language Once I spoke the language of the flowers, Once I understood each word the caterpillar said, Once I smiled in secret at...
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